Sunday, September 4, 2011

Only the guilty fear judgment

I was thinking about how Psychopaths dominate normals, and yet even when it's obvious that, say Dick Cheney, is guilty of mass murder, just for starters, he's proud of it and rubs it in your face with sheer pleasure, and gets away Scot-free. It's because he's an Untouchable, who can commit serial crimes against humanity in virtually every country in the world and he continues to be at large, fomenting mayhem unrelentingly. Us members of the "People," however, can be incarcerated indefinitely without a trial on the say-so of any of thousands of Psychopaths that control the security forces — referring of course to that of the State. Is it a coincidence Cheney had a strong hand in vastly limiting the reach of the Constitution at our expense?

One of my favorite writers is a Chilean named Gonzalo Lira, whom, like all others, has usually just technical positions which I do not endorse. But between his powerful compositional style, his underlying breadth of observation and his equally coherent logic, I read every post; which is most Wednesdays. The latest post is a gem, and it takes up the question presented at the outset. You've seen the MUST READ! shout — this one should be read repeatedly until fully absorbed. After a few re-readings I know I've got a long way to go to ring that bell.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Understanding of Homo Psychpathicus

For those who did their homework assigned yesterday, you now have a good basic understanding of Homo Psychpathicus. Among the facts presented in the excellent video, which is worth seeing many times to absorb the details, a salient feature of psychopaths is that they come in essentially two types: those born with the (damaged?) gene, and those who are conditioned to the disease. As the film illustrates, Primary psychopaths create secondary versions of themselves by infiltrating organizations and using their devious wiles to find, condition and promote willing participants inside the organization to ensure eventual domination of it. Many organizations by their very type are particularly virulent breeding grounds for this type of subversion, which include those where violence and physical force are central to the mission of the group; notably military, police and intelligence agencies.

This tendency is self-reinforcing, and becomes blatant to a knowledgeable observer. I alluded to Dwight Eisenhower's warning to the country regarding the Military - Industrial Complex, (to which we add Intelligence agencies). How that ignored lesson cost us the the last vestiges of the Constitutional Republic played out on television in Dallas a mere three years after Ike spoke. In the greatest Psy-Op until 9-11 capped it, we witnessed the murder of a President who foolishly believed he could rein in the psychopaths surrounding him. What they pulled off on that lovely fall day in Dallas proved to all onlookers that the price for defying the Psychopathic Establishment is a violent death which will never be properly investigated, but rather covered up by a "bi-partisan" panel.

To take a frightening look inside the minds of the psychopaths that meticulously planned and carried out the assassination and its attendant cover up, visit the following site. Mr. Morningstar is to be congratulated on his brilliant analysis, which includes four more reports which can be found by going back to Let me warn the faint of heart that what is demonstrated by Mr. Morningstar is vastly unsettling, but truly the central core of facts surrounding that murder, which was, in reality, a coup de etat.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The untold damage resulting from the psycopaths among us

In my time I have known at least my share of psychopathic personalities. Since the general estimate is that about 6% of all people everywhere carry genes that deprive them all genuine emotion, you've probably run into your share, as well. I'm not going to claim to have anything on the high side of average when it comes to empathy -- if anything my love of logic and pure reason tend to rein in my native emotionalism. I'll admit right here that I used to cry when I struck out in Little League, and caught a lot of crap for it, not least from my step-father, may he rest in Peace. And I struck out a lot because I was small, and had a condition called Lazy Eye which he managed not to notice, nor have surgically repaired, like almost all but the poorest parents will do. Though he yearned in a strange way for me to be a successful jock, it must not have occurred to him that my condition resulted in virtually no depth perception. Needless to say, my success at any and all of the ball sports was ruthlessly compromised.

I make this digression mainly to illustrate that one's emotional life can be tempered by learning and analysis to better adapt to the hyper-competitive society in which we live. I believe it is that experience of controlling my emotions which has given me to ability to spot the psychopathic personality, from whom I steer clear as soon as the signs begin to show.

My awareness of larger-than-life psychopaths began with an instinctive dislike of Richard Nixon based on the first-ever televised Presidential debates ahead of the 1960 elections. I was only 11, and I hadn't learned the word, but instinctively I saw that he was ultimately cold, calculating, and the consummate example of a denizen of the Military-Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned us about. Then came the Guns of November in Dallas, and the psychopathic wing of US politics took over -- for good. First the clearly psychopathic Lyndon Johnson, perhaps the ultimate poster boy for the condition, then Nixon got his revenge. Along with another PB for psychopathy, the dreaded Henry Kissinger, he showed to world what modern evil is all about.

So I will attempt to spread the word about this condition, and today's link is to the invaluable web site, Signs Of The Times. Start with the video they have posted at:

Then get either the book "Political Ponerology, The Science Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes" or "911, The Ultimate Truth." The former is a bit deep, but the latter uses extensive quotes from it to illuminate the ultimate Psychopathic Event. They counted on normals buying completely into the Crazed Arab Story simply because most of us can't imagine evil so black that men in power would condone and at least passively facilitate such a colossal Psy-Op to achieve political ends which dictate All War -- All The Time in as many places as possible.

I'd say that's enough homework for today.