Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Greetings from the blogosphere

Greetings to all Earthlings, and any ETs who might be tuning in.

We are on the cusp of some much needed changes in the dysfunctional organization of humans and their progeny. When it is said that one person can start a revolution, think about the fellow in Tunisia who self-immolated in protest of a post-colonial regime which drained the economic output of the people to the detriment of the ability of those same people to create further output. Irony is the only explanation for the long history of Power and Wealth to be its own worst enemy.

What we are witnessing is a growing awareness among normal people, henceforth "normals," that we have been led by the nose by the abnormals, which are the psychopaths among us. We've been led into countless wars, through many economic depressions, and ongoing seasons of gross inequality by the psychopaths we end up being "led" by, whether by an ostensibly democratic process, or otherwise.

Whither came the psychopathic gene might well be the subject for another post, but for now it is enough to say that people, mostly men, without a conscience are the purveyors of all evil because they delight in the discomfiture of their not-so-fellow men. Domination is their only goal.

This blog is in service to normals who understand that this basic conflict within the human race is the root of all our discontents, and  hopefully a clearinghouse for information on how to identify psychopaths and dilute their power. Nothing will change unless we do so.

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